Monday, March 31, 2014

Minimizing Fear of Marketing

My husband and I recently went to a local library for an author-talk I wanted to attend, even though the topic was not immediately specific to me. I wanted to see how it was presented for future marketing purposes as well as learn something. Would speaking to groups like this be in my future? Would it be scary? I had thirteen years of experience under my belt as a substitute teacher, but yeah. Every time I expose myself to others by writing a blog post or opening my mouth during a conversation, I take a risk. We all feel fear at some level. Writers are generally introverts, after all. But we can't let that stop us.

Author Joel D. Canfield spoke to the smallish but interested group on self-publishing. He did a good job narrowing down a lengthy topic and included a slide show. It didn't matter that I didn't agree with him 100%. He made a connection with the audience and that is what sells books. We bought one called Getting Your Book Out Of The Someday Box. According to Mr. Canfield, an author needs to "give valuable information away, absolutely free, no obligation. If visitors connect with you and your message, they'll buy your book."

I like the suggestions for introverts in overcoming fear of marketing in this article by Tim Grahl. Marketing is really just helping someone. Fear can be minimized by focusing on the one person you are helping at the time, rather than the group. I find encouragement from visualizing a poster in a middle school teacher's classroom where Garfield the cat says, "You can't scare me. I teach." What are some ways you minimize fear?

The new-to-me blog of the week features the above mentioned author I met. Those considering self-publishing might especially want to check out
Have a great week!


Unknown said...

Hullo, Renae!

Glad you got something out of my presentation. Thanks for the linkage.

Tim Grahl is a master. I'm following his work closely right now in preparation for launching a handful of light mysteries this year.

Your husband mentioned that he had an idea or a book. Encourage him to pursue it. He deserves to share the joy we've felt in our writing.

See you next time we're in Roseville.

Unknown said...

Will do. Writing mysteries sounds fun. Best wishes with that.