Monday, January 14, 2013

New Critique Group Sparks My New Year

Hi, everyone. How is your new year going? Are you diving into those reading or writing goals? Have you set them at attainable levels that push but not too hard? It's okay to revise them if needed--just don't throw them out the window.
I'm so excited to start with my online critique group this week! I'll be sending a chapter out to three others to critique and they will send me theirs. This will be a great motivator to write a chapter a week or tweak and resubmit those revisions. I hope we are a good fit and can keep this going. I've missed not being in a group since moving midway through last year. That was a fun bunch that met face to face. I am a believer in how helpful a critique group can be and I hope to do my part in making it successful. Updates will follow.
What writing or reading goals do you have for the new year?


Hannah Holt said...

Yay for critique groups! I hope your new group is wonderful!

Renae Weight Mackley said...

Me too and I'll let you know.