Monday, March 11, 2013

What's Cooking on my Computer

Last week I announced the sending off to publishers of The Seventh City, my Book of Mormon fiction novel. What am I working on now? Glad you asked. I have two completely different projects going. 1) The first is an inspirational non-fiction I'm calling Bishop Stories. These are a collection of experiences involving Mormon ecclesiastical leaders called bishops. Some of the stories are written by bishops themselves and some by church members, but all the stories involve a bishop in a positive light. I expect the stories to make readers laugh, cry, and have their hearts warmed. 2) The second writing project is a contemporary YA fiction for the national market called Perception. The premise is about a high school boy whose senior project turns more criminal than expected. Lots of fun relationships while dealing with making a difference among students and car thieves alike. Both these projects have been stimulating and a challenge to my creativity. 
That's my update. What writerly things are you cooking up?

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