Monday, June 10, 2013

My Non-Sugarcoated Writing Journey

I'm sitting here thinking it's time for an update of my writing journey and I'm stumped as to what to say. The little devil on one shoulder whispers in my ear, "Lie a little. Sound impressive. Gloss over how little you've actually accomplished and make it all sound fabulous." My other ear hears a scoff. "You can't do that! You'll give the wrong impression that writing is easy and life never gets in the way." I brush the imps from my shoulders like they were dandruff. Half the year has slipped past and I'm ready for a clean start. 

This has been a rough year of distractions, mostly related to changing residences. My online critique group fizzled. I'm stuck in getting from point B to point C in my YA suspense story--probably just need to do some what ifs and thinking it through, but those distractions have been the easier route. I've seen progress too. I do have a Book of Mormon novel in review for publication, another novel started, and I'm finally collecting enough stories for my inspirational nonfiction, Bishop Stories. But it feels like I've been picking at this and that. I need to FOCUS.

Deciding where to place my focus and in what increments of time is making sense. If I schedule Tuesday morning to unpack boxes and the afternoon gets devoted to begging requesting bishop stories, then I have a PLAN. Being SPECIFIC gets me further than asking myself, "What do I feel like doing today?" I've done way too much of that lately. And you know what? I'm ready to change that.

I hereby declare that for the remainder of June I will focus on completing Bishop Stories. (Notice I didn't say it would be completed. Keep goals realistic.) That's where the journey is taking me right now. If you have a humorous or inspirational story to share involving a LDS bishop, shoot me an e-mail and I'll give you the deets. Like the fact that identities are kept private.
Happy journeying this week!

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