Monday, June 24, 2013

Using Goodreads to Choose A Book

Okay, readers, do you go from one book to the next with hardly a word about it OR do you give out reviews or recommendations? Are you a feedback kind of person? I'm learning to be. I've updated Renae's Reads on my sidebar with a link to my Goodreads ratings and reviews. You can easily view what I rated the past five books I read or click on it to find out more or other books I've listed. 

A few years back I told my friend that I enjoyed her book and she asked me if I could post a review on Goodreads. It was new to me but I found it easy enough to create an account and navigate my way around. Now I feel it almost a duty to at least rate a book. Sometimes I tap out my opinion. Who looks at it? The authors, maybe someone on my friend list, or someone checking out judgement of a book. I hope it matters to someone. Since I took the time to read or listen to a book, why not give what I can? 

Social media alerted me that an author friend discovered her book on a Goodreads list. The ranking of her book could go higher, creating more exposure of said book, by people voting or putting it on their "To Read" list. I'm not going to get into a debate of popularity contests or manipulation here, except to say that it plays into the equation. Ratings have their issues as well. You've probably heard that discussion before. I can only account for myself and hope that my honest evaluation might even out someone else's crazy one.

How do you choose a book to read? Do you look at what others are reading or how a book gets rated? Do you sometimes branch out from your favorite author or genre? I'm will to take more of a chance when it's a library book rather than a purchase. I recently won an Amazon gift card (thank you, Jordan McCollum) and could use some suggestions how to spend it. Or tell me if Goodreads works for you. 

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