Monday, July 6, 2015

Six Month Countdown - My Safe Zone Before Publishing Panic?

6 ...5 ...4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ...
The countdown has begun! Six months until Secrets of the King's Daughter, my Book of Mormon fiction debut book, releases. I'm straddling the safe zone between excitement and panic, where it starts to feel real but I'm not in stress mode.

Before I'm too gung-ho on the book release, I really want to finish up my inspirational non-fiction, LDS Missionary Stories, and not have it nagging me. A few months ago I predicted it would take me a month to finish, but my fiction sequel took precedence. Now the time is right and that feels good.

Still within that "safe" zone, I enjoyed the occasion to watch Julie and Julia--the movie where Julie blogs about cooking every recipe from Julia Child's The Art of French Cooking. Loved the possible parallels to my life. Julie gets a little publicity and suddenly there are 65 messages for her to do interviews or to publish. Then she is crushed by one message that essentially means Julia Child hates her. The story cuts to rejection for Julia Child, who states that Houghton-Mifflin hates her and eight years of her life has turned out to be "something to do". She later is accepted by another publisher and sees success. Ah, the publishing roller-coaster! 

It's fun to dream, isn't it? For a couple hours, I reveled in the roller-coaster thrill alongside Julie, hoping for my own personal success. Today I'm feeling grateful that I can once again chip away at this one big project before it's time to dive into my book release checklist. I'll keep you posted on both those things if you'd like to join me on the ride. Bon appetite, I mean, "Enjoy!"

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