Monday, December 28, 2015

More Ups Than Downs in 2015

Time to wrap things up... presents, projects, the end of another year. I'm reflecting on what I've accomplished, big and small.

Presents--Did you wrap or receive any books? It's a common time for reading. My reading habits this past year involved mostly library audio books and downloading e-books on my iPad. I also participated irregularly in a local book club group. Their choice of books has expanded my typical reading habits.

Projects--This year was devoted to working on the untitled sequel to Secrets of the King's Daughter. I finished the revised draft and just got feedback from my critique partners. Yep, there's a little more work to do, but I should have it ready for beta readers in a month or so. This big project was accomplished in many smaller chunks along the way and with the encouragement of my critique group. Some days went better than others. No surprise there.

Year's End--I've had to be patient, practically ignoring anything concerning publishing as I await the release of my debut book in March 2016. The delays will soon be a fading memory and I look forward to exciting things happening in the coming year.

How has your year been?

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